One In A B1llion: Finding Your Genius Talent


“Now that I know my genius talent, Tuesdays feel like Saturdays.”

There’s a secret superpower embedded in your DNA. Can you name it? It’s your genius talent, the thing you do better than anyone else on earth. You weren’t born knowing what it is—you have to discover it. When you do, work will feel like play, not soul-crushing monotony. Living within your genius means doing what you’re meant to do, rather than worrying about the things you should do only because they’re part of your job description.

John Hittler lived with his own genius talent for nine years before he finally used it. In One in a Billion, he’ll help you identify your unique gift, walk you through the process of bringing that genius talent forth in your life, and anchor things with a purpose that gives meaning to the work you do. That’s just the beginning; this book also grants you access to the Evoking Genius community at to access supplemental materials and share your genius talent with other people who have discovered their own.

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