Hollis Carter ~ Navigating Risk and the Power of Authentic Communities


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Join Hollis Carter - Navigating Risk and the Power of Authentic Communities

Welcome to another episode of the "Genius at Scale" podcast. In this instalment, we dive deep into the intriguing scaling journey of Baby Bathwater, a unique community that's been making waves in the business world. Join us as we explore the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and the triumphs achieved, all shared by Hollis Carter, one of the masterminds behind Baby Bathwater.

Discover the fascinating world of scaling from a different perspective—one that focuses on authenticity, ambition, and building a supportive community. Hollis shares insights on the power of having a clear vision and how to leverage that vision to bring together like-minded individuals to create something extraordinary.

Get ready to explore topics such as:

  • Navigating the often-unpredictable path to scaling.

  • The critical role of authenticity in building a unique community.

  • Strategies for growing your business, even when faced with unexpected setbacks.

  • The art of balancing risk and pragmatism in entrepreneurship.

  • Why a strong support network is crucial on the scaling journey.

If you're a CEO, a C-suite professional, or an entrepreneur seeking inspiration, actionable insights, and a fresh perspective on scaling, then this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge and embark on a scaling journey like no other.

Listen now and get ready to be inspired by the unconventional, yet highly successful scaling model of Baby Bathwater.

Happy Listening!


Here’s a glance at this episode…

Hollis Carter's interview provides valuable insights for C-suite professionals looking to scale their businesses effectively. In this episode Hollis shares insights on the power of having a clear vision and how to leverage that vision to bring together like-minded individuals to create something extraordinary.

  • 00:29:28 - Building a Unique Community: Baby Bathwater's success is attributed to creating a unique community where ambitious entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and support each other. 

  • 00:28:22 - Navigating the Challenge of Ambition: Hollis discusses the challenges of publicly expressing ambitious goals. Ambitious entrepreneurs often face scepticism from others who may not understand their vision. 

  • 00:31:59 - Balancing Risk Tolerance: The level of risk tolerance plays a role in entrepreneurship. 

  • 00:33:54 - Measuring Success: Baby Bathwater primarily measures success through member retention and growth. They focus on delivering a valuable product that leads to word-of-mouth referrals and compound growth. 

  • 00:36:01 - Scaling as Co-Founders: Co-founders may find themselves doing similar tasks, and as a business scales, they need to figure out how to divide and conquer efficiently. 

  • 00:36:36 - Staying Agile with Plans: While having a roadmap is crucial, it's equally important to remain flexible. 

  • 00:31:28 - Unique Scaling Model: Baby Bathwater follows a unique scaling model, which isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. 

  • 00:29:28 - Handling Scepticism: Entrepreneurs often face scepticism from people around them when expressing their ambitions. A supportive community can help counteract this scepticism and provide a safe space to share and collaborate.

  • 00:31:28 - Seeking Unconventional Ambitions: Baby Bathwater's community encourages unconventional and profound ambitions among its members. 

  • 00:33:54 - Focusing on Ambitious Retention: Baby Bathwater's focus on both member retention and growth allows them to maintain a high-quality community.

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More about Hollis:

Hollis Carter is the co-founder of Baby Bathwater, an organization that brings together high seven to nine-figure entrepreneurs for curated events and networking opportunities. Hollis has a background in internet marketing and has built multiple successful businesses. He is passionate about learning from others and creating a community of like-minded individuals.

Co Founder of Baby Bathwater
LinkedIn Hollis Carter
Instagram hollisc

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