The Four Mistakes Keeping You From Your Genius Talent

Published in May 4, 2020

Call it flow, superpower, genius — whatever you like. No one disputes the idea that we should all discover our super high-level talent, embrace it and then use it to enjoy life more, make more money and contribute in greater fashion to society.

That’s a bit like saying, “We should all work smarter, not harder.” No one exists in the opposing camp.

If we agree that finding and embracing your secret superpower is a high priority, then why is it still so darn secret?

It’s simple. If finding your genius talent were so darn easy, like a mathematical equation, everyone would simply solve their own personal equation, and we’d all be better off. Your genius-level talent does not show up in a linear fashion.

With 12 years’ experience in administering a trademarked process to find your (very) specific “genius talent,” I can say with confidence that you are most likely making some or all of these four major mistakes which are keeping you from your highest talent. See if any fit.

Mistake #1: “I got my assessment results! Now I finally know my genius!”

Ever take one of those online personality or behavioral assessments and be in awe of how eerily accurate they can be? Did your result display you in numbers, letters, colors or jargon, like “ENTJ,” “Researcher” or “6 4 7 2”?

The assessments “slot” you via an algorithm, and you fit into your slot with millions of other people with an identical profile. Not bad, but if any five people slotted just like you ever got together, I suspect you would find vast differences almost immediately.



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