Full-Priced or Fully Gifted

Published in Forbes.com  July 8, 2020

When you give a gift — to your child, to a friend or to your spouse — how does that make you and them feel?

Well, if the gift really is given freely, you feel as great giving it as they do receiving it, regardless of the monetary value. We know this from receiving the world’s most useless coffee mug, designed, painted and fired in a kiln by your third grader on one of their field trips.

The gift to you is priceless, and you drink coffee from it every day to honor their thoughtfulness. To the rest of the world, it has little or no value, especially if they do not know you or your child. Chances are, that same person who does not value your ugly mug highly has a version of their own mug in their cabinet.

Funny how gifts work great only when freely given.

Chances are, you have also received a “gift” with implied or blatant strings attached. Buyer (or recipient) beware, because these can be tricky.

Your sales team deals with this every day, deciding on whether to discount, hold firm on a full-priced product or gift your product outright.

The choice becomes energetic more than monetary. Let’s explore why you should only have two prices: full-priced and fully gifted, based upon energy, not money.

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