A speaking event

they’ll talk about

for months

Ready to energize your next corporate event? Ready to learn, grow, and oh, have some fun doing it?

If you hire a speaker, you’ll get a speech. If you would like to grow, connect, learn, and have fun, engage the services of a presenter who interacts with the audience, and has the audience interact with each other.


Because playing life sure beats listening to someone else tell you about playing their life.

From Fortune 50 companies to EO, YPO, TED, and Vistage groups, John Hittler has delighted audiences and kept them learning for months after the meeting.

To book a speaking date directly, please inquire at jhittler@evokinggenius.com

Discover Your Hardwired Superpower | TEDxOakland

Do you really hold a superpower, and if so, is it ‘hardwired’ into your DNA? John offers ideas on why your superpower is like no one else’s, and then provides three actionable steps to get you closer to your individual superpower, including finding your why, which fuels your superpower.


Discover Your Hardwired Superpower | John Hittler | TEDxOakland